Language can be considered the most powerful human tool. Words can express anything, from emotions to thoughts. They can make us understood by others and they can motivate people to action. However, it is easy to misuse words through miscommunication and mixed intentions. These incorrect words and meanings can make or break a sentence and in the business world, make or break a deal. Precision of language is essential to creating an expression that matches the intention of what we would like to state.
What does it really mean to be precise in our communication? Being precise in the language we use means choosing the most appropriate, most specific words so that our message is clear and there is less of a chance that others will misunderstand us whether we are speaking or writing. Let’s briefly consider two methods of being precise.
First, replace abstract nouns with verbs. Verbs, more than nouns, help convey ideas concisely, so where possible, avoid using nouns derived from verbs. For example, an abstract noun would be the word “implementation.” Using this word we could say: “The implementation of our business plan requires a greater period of time.” The root word of this term is "implement." If we would like to be more precise, we could instead state: “We need more time to implement our business plan.” Do you see the difference? Not only does the verb form bring to mind a definite call to action, it also makes us use a simpler sentence structure that is easier to say and for others to understand. Here are a few more noun and root verb contrasts that you can practice with: investigation-investigate, agreement-agree, and discussion-discuss. Try writing a sentence with the noun first and then try to write a sentence with the same meaning with its verb form. It’s a convincing exercise in precision.
Second, prefer short words to long words and phrases. Have you ever noticed that when someone who wants to sound better educated and display their linguistic prowess or would like to feel more important than the others around that person will attempt to use these long drawn out sentences that seem complex, using equally long and ambiguous words? In the end, they only serve to confuse. Also, if you are trying to formulate such a lengthy sentence in a secondary language, there is more of a chance that you will make a grammatical mistake or simply lose the meaning of your idea somewhere along the way. Keep it short. Get to the point. Your message will stand out better!
Another consideration in being precise in communication is that words can be interpreted in different ways by different people in different situations. For this reason, it is important to choose expressions which are as precise and clear as possible. The more precise and clear one's use of language becomes, the fewer the number of possible interpretations for a message.
Being imprecise with language dulls meaning. What does this mean? This means that a statement that is not precise can take an immensely complex situation, or a nuanced, valuable thought, and dull it into something oversimplified, or something that is simply no longer accurate. We can probably all relate to the example of expressing our feelings. If you had a challenging day at work where everything when wrong, you were constantly under pressure, a step behind all the tasks you had to do, had a couple of people get angry at you and on top of it all had a huge headache throughout the day, then just saying that you “feel bad” or “unwell” really doesn’t do justice to what you have experienced or all the emotions lingering inside. Saying that you are “overwhelmed” and “exhausted” starts to explain the day you just had a little better. These two terms indicate that there were events and situations that you had to endure that resulted in your current state. When we have a better grasp of the English language, then it is much easier to convey our true feelings and our exact thoughts. As a result, we feel understood and more connected to those around us.
Moreover, imprecise communication leads to ignorance and misunderstanding. When exceptionally complex situations are described in imprecise, oversimplified terms, those we are speaking still will remain unclear of the true nature of a situation. Imagine reporting a problem in a work project where definite action needs to be taken in order to save the entire endeavor, but the person relaying the information makes it sound unimportant and not worth management’s attention. The consequences would be severe for all concerned. Precision in communication could avoid so many unpleasant results!
Another reason to make an effort to use more precise language is that we would grow and improve ourselves. When we’re frequently imprecise, we get lazy and then this becomes a habit. When it becomes a habit we are effectively shrinking the vocabulary with which we can convey what we think. In such a competitive world, this could make the difference of getting that promotion or not, making that business deal or not. This is definitely not an area where we would want to catch ourselves losing focus!
In summary, there is a need to be precise in communication. You can achieve this goal by learning to use words in verb form, using direct sentences and by expressing yourself with vocabulary that carries more meaning. It takes training, so don’t wait too long to get started or improve the skills you already have!