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Knowledge vs. Ability in Languange Learning

Writer: English BridgeEnglish Bridge

Updated: Jun 19, 2021

How we view and approach language learning is very important to the success of our goals. When considering imporving their language skills many will ask: "How long will it take?" This a question that depends greatly on the intention of the person asking. When asking this question, most people will confuse acquiring knowledge with the ability to use the language.

If a person wants to learn more words and thier definitions, then it's relatively easy to quantify an amount of time with an amount of information. Just taking in information requires some effort, though it's mostly memorizing. For example, exams in school are mostly information based, so to prepare for them students will try to rembember as much of the material as possible. As a result, people have gotten used to learning with this kind of goal and method in mind. However, if a person wants to learn a language in order to have the ability to use it in real-life situations, then more is needed.

Knowing how to use the word is essential. How is the new vocabulary used in a sentence? When should it be used in a conversation? When is it appropriate or not apppropriate to use? Is it how a native of the language would use it? Will you be understood when saying it? These are all questions related to understanding the knowledge learned.

Understanding come with associating what has been learned with the knowledge one already has. It's connecting the new information to something already established. It's putting it in a category. It's relating it to something familiar.

What is the the next essential step and understanding it? It's learning to use the new information, in other words it's having the ability to apply the knowledge. This requires seeing and hearing examples. This needs practice. Often, in the process of learning, it needs correction and adjustments. Furthermore, it needs guidance.

So how long will it take to improve your business English? Well, if you're goal is to have the abiltiy to understand and actually use what you have learned, then it requires regular classes with a qualified teacher who also understands the difference between knowledge and ability. It's a process that can usually be measured by looking back to when you first started and seeing the progress when compared to your current abilities. In the end, it comes down to how proficient you want to be in the language.

So, what's your goal? Knowledge or abilitiy?


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