Academies and Homeschools
Remote learning environments, digital communication and isolation from the pandemic measures have all contributed to the growing need to help students develop their social and communication skills. Our programs are specifically designed to encourage self-expression and interaction in a comfortable and nurturing learning environment.

Teamwork & Social Skills
Remote learners will learn how to improve their abilities to work with others, share their ideas, listen to others and how to respond to different viewpoints. They practice how to listen and be empathetic.

Students will learn how to think critically, organize their thoughts, and express their ideas in a coherent and articulate manner so that they can feel heard and understood by others.

Speaking Skills
The youth who participate in this program will be able to develop the skills they need to give speeches, go through interviews and prepare for speaking in front of others in the workplace.
Theses courses are prepared to be added on to an existing curriculum for students that need to improve their communication skills and abilities. They are designed for a weekly classes of three or four participants. Materials and homework assignments are provided. For more information, please contact us.